
We host regular friendly, informational events to support International Baccalaureate students. Our primary form of event is a virtual workshop for IB students led by IB alumni with the aim of providing expertise, advice, insight, and guidance for the different components of the IB process. IBlieve’s events bring together hundreds of students worldwide with the purpose of sharing information, asking questions, and getting advice from IB graduates.

Led by global, high-achieving IB graduates who have scored highly and are studying at elite universities including Stanford, Yale, UCL, Georgetown, and Oxford, events are highly supportive to students who are in the IB, allowing them to hear experiences and advice from graduates who understand their journey, as well as giving them a support network of like-minded students to ask direct questions to during Q&A portions and breakouts withthese events. With hundreds of students in attendance as well as in sign-ups, our events have impacted the IB journey of more than 500+ students by providing invaluable guidance about topics such as College Application Cycles, the Extended Essay, and IB Internal Assessments and External Assessments, delivered by top scoring IB graduates from all across the world.

We’re currently working on more events for you! Keep an eye on our Luma, Instagram, and newsletter to stay updated on future events!

Latest Events

November 2022: College Application GVS

August 2022: IB Myth Busters

August 2022: College Life


August 2021: Pre-IB Subject Fair

July 2021: Region-based College Apps

April 2021: IB Wellbeing & EE Subject Groups

March 2021: IB Grad Experiences

March 2021: IB Time Management & Preparation

January 2021: EE & IB Exam Advice


October 2020: College Essays & Apps

September 2020: Global Virtual Summit

August 2020: University Application Panel